Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day 3

I am mentally + emotionally + physically exhausted

I went to bed around 1am because I just couldn't sleep, just to wake up at 2am from an excruciating pain in my knee. I laid in bed hoping it would go away, 30 minutes later and it's not getting better. I basically crawled downstairs to get some ice for my knee. You would think putting ice on it would numb it and make it feel better? Nope..not this time. I finally give in and dose up on 600mg on Excedrin. All I can hear in my head is "You're all washed up." I don't know how I was able to doze back to sleep because I looked at the clock and it was about 430am. I woke up around 645 am contemplating if I should get up or not. So it took me about 20 minutes to get up from my bed, get my clothes, and slowly walk my ass to the bathroom.

I am delirious at this point. Last week I had a total of 23 hours of sleep from Monday - Saturday. This week from Sunday until today I've had 10 hours. I need sleep....but I can't sleep, too much on my mind and now too much physical pain to sleep.... what a wonderful way to start back into training 3 weeks before my fight. I don't even know if it'll pull through now...great. Just effen great

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