Friday, November 6, 2009

Can you meet me halfway

I've had that song "Meet me Halfway" stuck in my head all day long... too many things on my mind and not enough time to do it.

I have to remind myself though, timing is everything. Perfect your timing and things will transition as they ought to; and for certain things that are out of your hands, let it be. It's all in your head, it's a game against yourself. I'm a very extreme type of person; I'm a sprinter, I'm a go-getter. It's a switch that's either on or off, decide. That's the type of mentality I've always had. I am learning though to go the middle distance. I've always said, If you want something really bad enough, you'll do anything and everything to get it. But I've been told Some of the best things in life you have to wait for. Little by little, I'll get there.

I'm pretty stoked though. My coach was talking about making plans on competing in Hawaii next year. :throws shaka: I wonder how he got that idea in his head?! mwahahaha. Ono grindz, bodies slamming on mats, swimming in the water, humid air, land is life. Hawaii baby, I'm coming at you! Stay ready

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