Monday, January 11, 2010


Saturday was the first time since  my injury that I have stepped on the mat and threw down.

My lungs were on fire just jump roping for 2 minutes, but I didn't care. I grinning from ear to ear just to be able to do a simple thing like that. It's always disappointing to myself being out of shape, but what can I do? When I'm injured, I'm injured. I can't push my body farther than it can go; stubborness is not going to help the healing process, but determination and patience does.

I did some technical drills to regain form with my coach. We also worked on strengthening my quads since they're really weak at the moment. It's all about rebuilding...just like a phoenix...arising from the ashes.

My upper torso is sore. I can feel it deep in my lungs and especially my ribs....I feel like this is a spiritual moment. 2009 was all about putting myself out there, so I see it fitting now that I look back about my injury. Injuring my knee made me more conscious on how I walk and how I take care of myself, each step I took I had to re-evaluate. 2010 I had to go through physical therapy and push myself despite the pain. Everyday I found something new to appreciate and I realized how much I took simple things like walking up the stairs or bending my knee all the way for granted. I had to relearn how to walk.

2010 I believe is my year for a journey of rebirth..or more like finding the path of rebirth. I believe this goes for all aspects in my life: family (making more time for them), friends (sifting to see who I should surround myself with), school (getting things accomplished), writing (pushing my electrical thought neurons to write consistently), and fighting (staying healthy, injury free, and finally getting to that first fight.)

So here I go...2010 I hope you're ready for me

Monday, January 4, 2010


I haven't posted in a bit and maybe that's a bad thing, lol.

Physical therapy is doing pretty good, but I must admit I been slacking a little on it. It's a New Year though and it's time to start hitting the ground running. Starting today no more slacking on doing therapy. I'm gonna wait until the end of the week to start going to the gym since my tattoo is still scabbing. I'm very anal about the healing process...everything has to go a certain way. Rehab exercises this week, bicycle on the weekend, and I'm going to test out my new handy dandy "Iron Gym" that I got for Christmas. Daddio knows me too well =) 

This part of the healing process is probably one of the most dangerous parts. Because I don't feel any pain I can overexert my knee and end up jackin it up more...slowly but surely I'll get there. I should be seeing my surgeon specialist soon...we'll see what he says. At least I don't have to worry about the financials anymore. I should have everything straightened out by spring of this year.

This is gonna be a good year...I can feel it